
Out and about in Woodborough

I have had a fantastic morning out and about in Woodborough with Tom Randall MP, Cllr Boyd Elliott and Cllr Helen Greensmith.

We had a good time going up and up and down Main Street chatting with residents.

Thanks to everyone who came up for a chat in the rain.

Small Business Saturday- Ollerton

It was brilliant to be back out in Ollerton yesterday for Small Business Saturday, celebrating the £20m funding we were awarded by the Government!

I worked with the then Conservative administration at Newark and Sherwood DC on the bid, which will transform the area.

Small Business Saturday- Edwinstowe

Great to be back in Edwinstowe this morning for Small Business Saturday.

Small businesses are the beating heart of our high streets, please shop local and support our fantastic local businesses.

We shall remember them

This morning I took part in the Remembrance Day procession in Calverton, and attended St Wilfred’s Church for a service along with members of the local community and local Councillors.

Hucknall Wildlife Group

It may have been a bit wet this morning, but it was great to head down to meet Hannah Perkins and fellow volunteers from the Hucknall Wildlife Group, at their allotment site.

Supporting the RNIB

I am proud to support the work of RNIB by wearing my RNIB badge with pride. Earlier this month we had World Sight Day, with the key focus on eye care in the workplace.

Thank you to everyone who supports the RNIB and our other sight loss charities.

Hucknall Surgery

I held another of my surgeries last week, this time in Hucknall. It was a mixture of online and face to face meetings, covering a wide range of issues including visa applications and crime and disorder issues.

Business Breakfast

Today I held another of my Sherwood Business breakfasts, inviting businesses from across Sherwood to come together, so we can talk about how we can work together to make them even more successful.

Farnsfield Scout Visit

I have had a wonderful evening with the 1st Farnsfield Scout Group.

Several of the Scouts are working towards their Chief Scout Gold Award, and as part of the award they learn about community life, including Government.